President's Column 1 (Nov. 3-5, 2022)
President Chiba to Attend the General Meeting of the National Association of Japan-America Societies, the Japan-America Joint Representative Meeting, and the Japan-America Society International Symposium in Kyoto
また、ハワイ日米協会からReyna Kaneko会長およびAlexander Jampel理事長(弁護士)が参加され、2023年7月にホノルルで開催されるSister Summit 2023への本学からの参画等についての打合せを行いました。
The 13th Japan-America International Symposium was held at the Kyoto International Conference Center, with myself participating as a board member of the Japan-America Society of Tama, Tokyo. Many members from 21 Japan-America Societies in both Japan and the U.S. attended. At this meeting, there was a lively exchange of ideas on how to strengthen mutual relations in the future and how to attract the younger generation. In addition, President Reyna Kaneko and Mr. Alexander Jampel, Chair of JASH (attorney of law) from the Japan-America Society of Hawaii joined the meeting to discuss the participation of TUAT in Sister Summit 2023, which will be held in Honolulu in July 2023. I also had the opportunity to meet with Chairman Ichiro Fujisaki (former Japanese Ambassador to the U.S.) at the venue and introduced TUAT's participation as a university in the Tokyo Tama Japan-America Society and its activities to strengthen regional cooperation and Japan-U.S. relations.